Zimbabwe raises licence fees

Zimbabwe licence fees increased

The Zimbabwean government has announced a significant increase in licence fees for gambling operations.


Licensing fees for casinos, lotteries and betting shops are now pegged at ZWD250,000 ($691). “It is hereby notified that the minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage has, in terms of section 65 of the Lotteries and Gaming Act [Chapter 10:26] as read with sections 16 and 23 of the Betting and Totalizator Control Act [Chapter 10:02], made the (reviewed the fees) regulations,” said Home Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe in a publication in the government gazette.

Additionally, under the new rules, the cost of reviewing and processing an application for a permanent license for a casino or lottery operation has also been raised to ZWD250,000.

Licensed gambling activities generate sizeable revenue for the government, with most of the income coming from land-based casinos. Gambling in the country is regulated by the Zimbabwe Lotteries and Gambling Board. In addition to licencing fees, player winnings are also subject to a 10-15 percent tax rate.